BaseSpace Clarity LIMS v5.4 Release Notes

These Release Notes detail the key changes to software components for BaseSpace Clarity LIMS since the package containing version 5.3.

This is an optional software update for customers interested in the new features available with this new release.

If you are upgrading from a version prior to version 5.3 please review the release notes for version 5.3 for a list of features and bug fixes introduced in that version.

New Features

Genealogy View provides an interactive and hierarchical view of the history of an experiment processed through BaseSpace Clarity LIMS.
LabLink will send an email notification when a new Project Note or Sample Note is created.
LabLink now supports LDAP authentication.
Security improvements were made to password management.

Defect Repairs

Move to Next Step when uploading a measurement file to Standard QC step artifact.
Remove from Workflow assigned by Script is not recognized when used on a Pooling Step.
Running Automations on Step Entry with AutoPlacement and different destination container type no longer results in a 500 error message.
The Show History feature correctly displays the QC step values.
The Custom Fields screen can now be accessed by LabLink when Numeric Range fields only have a lower limit.

Known Issues

You may experience a decrease in performance when handling large pools of samples (approximately 4000) from the Clarity LIMS interface in pool creation or the creation of output container.
When using the Processes REST API endpoint with a projectname filter on projects with more than 500 samples, the query returns an incomplete set of data.