Running Analysis

Use the following steps to run the Microarray Analysis Setup using BaseSpace Sequence Hub:

1. Select the Runs tab.
2. Select New Run.
3. Select Microarray Analysis Setup.
4. For users with ICAv1 run data, select the appropriate Illumina Connected Analytics version.

Users subscribed to ICAv2 only will not have the Illumina Connected Analytics element present.

5. Enter the analysis name.
6. Select the type of analysis.

Analysis types with interpretation contain the Sample Diplotype JSON for further interpretation.

7. Use the Select Project link to choose the project for your output files.

You can also create a project by selecting the New button in the project selection window.

8. Select your preferred option in the Configuration Settings drop-down menu.
9. Select Next.
10. Select either Import Sample Sheet or Select BeadChips.
If you choose to import a sample sheet, use the displayed Import Sample Sheet link to upload your sample sheet. You can download a template sample sheet by selecting the Download Template link.
If you choose to select BeadChips, select them from the displayed list of BeadChips accessioned from the iScan.
11. Select Launch Analysis.