Sample Sheet
A sample sheet (SampleSheet.csv) records information about samples, the corresponding indexes, and other information that dictates the behavior of the software. The default location of the sample sheet is the root output folder. To specify any CSV file in any location, use the command --sample-sheet. When a sample sheet does not exist in the default location and no sample sheet is specified in the command line, the software produces an error.
BCL Convert supports both sample sheets v1 and v2. The following table displays the different supported options for v1 and v2.
Sample Sheet v1 |
Sample Sheet v2 |
Supports both [Settings] and [settings]. Neither are required. |
Supports only [BCLConvert_Settings]. Required. |
Unrecognized settings trigger a warning. |
Unrecognized settings produce an error and analysis aborts. |
The software uses the settings section of the sample sheet to specify adapter trimming, cycle, UMI, and index options.
Setting |
Description |
Default |
AdapterRead1 |
The sequence of the Read 1 adapter to be masked or trimmed. To trim multiple adapters, separate the sequences with a plus sign (+) to indicate independent adapters that must be independently assessed for masking or trimming for each read. Allowed characters: A, T, C, G. |
Not applicable |
AdapterRead2 |
The sequence of the Read 2 adapter to be masked or trimmed. To trim multiple adapters, separate the sequences with a plus sign (+) to indicate independent adapters that must be independently assessed for masking or trimming for each read. Allowed characters: A, T, C, G. |
Not applicable |
AdapterBehavior |
Defines whether the software masks or trims Read 1 and/or Read 2 adapter sequence(s). When AdapterRead1 or AdapterRead2 is not specified, this setting cannot be specified.
trim |
AdapterStringency |
The minimum match rate that triggers masking or trimming. This value is calculated as MatchCount / (MatchCount+MismatchCount). Accepted values are 0.5–1. The default value of 0.9 indicates that only reads with ≥ 90% sequence identity with the adapter are trimmed. |
0.9 |
MinimumAdapterOverlap |
Do not trim any bases unless the adapter matches are greater than or equal to the number of bases specified. At least one AdapterRead1 or AdapterRead2 must be specified to use MinimumAdapterOverlap. Allowed characters: 1, 2, 3. |
1 |
Setting |
Description |
Default |
BarcodeMismatchesIndex1 |
The number of mismatches allowed for index1. Accepted values are 0, 1, or 2. |
1 |
BarcodeMismatchesIndex2 |
The number of mismatches allowed for index2. Accepted values are 0, 1, or 2. |
1 |
CreateFastqForIndexReads |
Specifies whether software outputs FASTQ files for index reads. If index reads are defined as a UMI, then the software outputs FASTQ files for the UMI (if TrimUMI is also set to 0). At least one Index Read must be specified in the sample sheet.
0 |
MinimumTrimmedReadLength |
The minimum read length after adapter trimming. The software trims adapter sequences from reads to the value of this parameter. Bases below the specified value are masked with N. |
35 |
MaskShortReads |
The minimum read length containing A, T, C, G values after adapter trimming. Reads with less than the specified number of bases become masked. If the value is less than 22, the default becomes the MinimumTrimmedReadLength. |
22 |
OverrideCycles |
Specifies the sequencing and indexing cycles that should be used when processing the data. The following format must be used:
Use reads as specified in the RunInfo.xml |
SoftwareVersion |
[Optional] Records the version of BCL Convert intended to be used for conversion. Only supported by sample sheet v2. |
Not applicable |
TrimUMI |
Specifies whether UMI cycles are excluded from FASTQ files. You must specify at least one UMI in the sample sheet when this setting is provided.
1 |
NoLaneSplitting |
Consolidate FASTQ files across lanes. Each sample must be provided into the same file on a per-read basis.
false |
The data section is required. Headers for the data section should be [Data] or [data] for sample sheet v1 and [BCLConvert_Data] for sample sheet v2. BCL Convert uses columns in the Data section to sort samples and index adapters.
Column |
Description |
Lane |
[Optional] When specified, the software generates FASTQ files only for the samples with the specified lane number. Only one valid integer is allowed, as defined by the RunInfo.xml. |
Sample_ID |
The sample ID. |
index |
The Index 1 (i7) index adapter sequence. |
index2 |
The Index 2 (i5) Index adapter sequence. |
Sample_Project |
Optional Can only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores. Duplicate data strings with different cases (eg, sampleProject and SampleProject) are not allowed. If these data strings are used, analysis fails. This column is not used unless you are using the command line option --bcl-sampleproject-subdirectories. See Command Line Options for more information on command line options. |
BCL Convert does not support the following settings, and new formats must replace their corresponding old formats, when applicable. Manual changes to the sample sheet can be made to the [Settings] section, but the [Data] section must remain unchanged. If any of the obsolete settings are used in the command line or the sample sheet, the software aborts and returns an error. Also note that some obsolete settings that were previously specified on the command line are now correctly specified in the sample sheet.
Behavior |
Obsolete Settings |
New Settings |
Designate the adapter sequences for Read 1 and Read 2 and specify the behavior as trim. |
Designate the same adapter sequence for Read 1 and Read 2 and specify the behavior as mask. |
Designate the adapter sequences for Read 1 and Read 2 and specify the behavior as mask. |
Designate the adapter sequences for Read 1 and Read 2 and specify the behavior as trim. Also specify 0.5 as the adapter stringency. |
(sample sheet) Adapter, AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA OR TrimAdapter, AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA (command line) --adapter-stringency 0.5 |
(sample sheet) AdapterRead1, AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA AND AdapterRead2, AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA(sample sheet) AND AdapterStringency, 0.5 |
Behavior |
Obsolete Settings |
New Settings |
Trim the first 7 bases and last 6 bases of Read 1 for a 151 x 8 x 8 x 151 run. |
(sample sheet) Read1StartFromCycle, 8 Read1EndWithCycle, 145 |
(sample sheet) N7Y137N6;I8;I8;Y151 |
Obsolete Settings |
New Settings |
Designate the first 8 cycles of Read 1 and Read 2 as UMIs and trim the trailing base for a 151 x 8 x 8 x 151 run. |
(sample sheet) Read1UMIStartFromCycle, 1 Read1UMILength, 8 Read1StartFromCycle, 10 Read2UMIStartFromCycle, 1 Read2UMILength, 8 Read2StartFromCycle, 10 |
(sample sheet) U8N1Y142;I8;I8;U8N1Y142 |
Behavior |
Obsolete Command Line Settings |
New Sample Sheet Settings |
Allow 1 mismatch in the i7 index sequence and 1 mismatch i5 index sequence. |
--barcode-mismatches 1 OR --barcode-mismatches 1,1 |
BarcodeMismatchesIndex1, 1 AND BarcodeMismatchesIndex2, 1 |
Allow 2 mismatches in the i7 index sequence and 2 mismatches in the i5 index sequence. |
--barcode-mismatches 2 OR --barcode-mismatches 2,2 |
BarcodeMismatchesIndex1, 2 AND BarcodeMismatchesIndex2, 2 |
Behavior |
Obsolete Command Line Settings |
New Sample Sheet Settings |
Make sure that all trimmed reads are at least 10 base pairs long after adapter trimming by appending Ns to any read shorter than 10 base pairs. |
--minimium-trimmed-read-length 10 |
MinimumTrimmedReadLength, 10 |
Make sure that all trimmed reads below 5 base pairs long are masked with Ns. |
--mask-short-adapter-reads, 5 |
MaskShortReads, 5 |