Install a Purchased SSL/TLS Certificate

This section explains how to install purchased SSL/TLS certificates into Clarity LIMS v5 and later. Clarity LIMS can work with Named or WildCard certificates.

Typically, the process to install the certificates into Clarity LIMS is as follows:

1. Request a certificate from your IT organization, or purchase a certificate from a third-party SSL/TLS vendor.
2. Install the certificate using the script provided with Clarity LIMS. This script prompts for the required inputs and helps you to configure Clarity LIMS to use your SSL/TLS certificate.

Some IT organizations have preexisting certificates issued by an internal organization, typically referred to as an 'internal CA.' These internal CA certificates are not fully compatible with Java, and prevent the automation worker—and all integrations—from properly communicating with the Clarity LIMS server. Internal CA certificates are therefore not supported in Clarity LIMS.