Clarity LIMS v6.1 Release Notes
These Release Notes describe the key changes made to software components for Clarity LIMS v6.1.
When upgrading from a version before v6.0, review the release notes for v6.0 for a list of features and bug fixes introduced in that version.
Clarity LIMS v6.1 is deployable in both cloud hosted and on-premise environments.
For API related information, refer to the changes in the current revision of the API Portal. If you have created scripts using our pre-release API endpoints, contact the Illumina Support team for a complete change list to make sure that your scripts continue to function.
New Features
Advanced Search can now be used to search by one or more user-customized conditions based on Sample, Project, Container, Step, or File. There are also options for saving and importing queries and exporting search results. |
Read-Only permission—Can be assigned to users that need to view system information, but cannot create, edit, or delete information. |
Defect Repairs
Includes a security improvement that updates jQuery from 3.2.1 to 3.5.1. |
Bug Fixes
The following issues applicable to Clarity Core v6.0.0 and v6.0.1 were resolved: |
The association between the audit event log and the audit change log is missing in Clarity LIMS. |
Adding a control to associated samples shows up in other unrelated workflows that contain the same samples. |
Config slicer log file does not show the actual +/- difference of the conflict. |
Log files fill up with error messages for the Clarity LIMS instance with the remote PostgreSQL database setup. |
Downloaded version of the sample sheet cannot be uploaded when the modify samples function is used. |
[v6.0.1] Samples cannot be assigned or routed into QC protocols when using the OpenAPI endpoint (/route/artifacts). |
[v6.0.0 and v6.0.1] The derived pool name is not being updated properly based on the naming convention configured in the pooling step. |
[v6.0.0 and v6.0.1] Pooled samples replicate using the same label, which does not allow users to continue the demultiplexing step. |
Fixes the following bug for LabLink v2.2.0: The association between the audit event log and the audit change log is missing in LabLink. |
Fixes the following bug in Clarity Core v4.3: A user with HTTP/HTTPS/FTP file stores is unable to upload or download files. |
Known Issues
There are no known issues. |
Additional Notes
Clarity LIMS no longer performs a full nightly indexing in v6.1 by default. Instead, Clarity LIMS performs rolling updates, which indexes entities for a configurable window of time. |
With the introduction of Advanced Search, basic search no longer finds samples using containers and project custom fields. |
For questions or assistance, contact the Illumina Support team. |