NovaSeq 6000 Integration v2.4 Release Notes

These Release Notes describe the key changes to software components for the BaseSpace Clarity LIMS NovaSeq 6000 Integration Package since version 2.3.

This is an optional software update for customers interested in the features available with this release.

If upgrading from a version prior to version 2.3, review the release notes for v2.3 for a list of features and bug fixes introduced in that version.


This version of the integration package is compatible with the following software:

BaseSpace Clarity LIMS v5.1 and later
NGS Extensions Package v5.21 and later
NovaSeq Control Software (NVCS) v1.8.0
Illumina bcl2fastq v2.20

New Features

Features provided with this release of the integration package are as follows:

Support for Clarity LIMS v6.0. Clarity LIMS v4.x and v5.0 are not supported.
Tech refresh to upgrade third party libraries.
Fixes to address the following Apache log4j vulnerabilities:
Security bug fixes.

Defects Fixed

Fixed to allow Reverse Complement Workflow in all cases.
Fixed the Oracle 4000 max character limit issue. Moved long automation script into a custom field.
Fixed orientation of Index2 value in generated sample sheet.
Fixed result discrepancy issue when Calculate Volume automation is run more than once.
Fixed Calculate Volume automation result file to show only one decimal place.

Known Issues

Blocker alert: When an artifact is removed and queued to another workflow, the "Queued" workflow-stage of the artifact is missing on the API level. Consequently, the recipe request of a NovaSeq run fails due to the missing "Queued" stage.

This issue only affects Clarity LIMS v5.2.1. The issue will be fixed in the upcoming Clarity LIMS v5.2.2 release.