Analysis Outputs
DRAGEN for Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment Dx saves the following information in the analysis folder. Only the germline and somatic workflows produce a PDF.
• | Manifest file used |
• | Software version |
• | Sample IDs |
• | Total aligned reads |
• | Percent of aligned reads per sample |
• | Number of SNVs called per sample |
• | Number of indels called per sample |
• | Coverage statistics |
Analysis Output Files
The following output files are generated by the application. The exact files generated depend on which analysis workflow is used. Output files are located in the analysis folder.
Output File |
Description |
FASTQ (*.fastq.gz or *.fastq.ora) |
Intermediate files containing quality scored base calls. FASTQ files are the primary input for the alignment step. If ORA compression is selected, the file name reflects this. |
Alignment BAM files (*.bam) |
Contains aligned reads for a given sample. |
Genome VCF files (*.gvcf.gz) |
Contains the genotype for each position, whether called as a variant or called as a reference. |
VCF files (*.vcf.gz) |
Contains variants called at each position. |
Run metrics report (*.csv) |
Contains quality metrics about the run, including total yield and Q30 score. |