Input File Types
Use the following command-line options for any input files you would like to use.

FASTQ input files can be single-ended or paired-end. Use the following examples to input FASTQ files.
• | Single-ended in one FASTQ file (-1 option) |
dragen -r <REF_DIR> -1 <fastq> --output-directory <OUT_DIR> \
--output-file-prefix <OUTPUT_PREFIX> --RGID <RGID> --RGSM <RGSM>
• | Paired-end in two matched FASTQ files(-1 and -2 options) |
dragen -r <REF_DIR> -1 <fastq1> -2 <fastq2> \
--output-directory <OUT_DIR> --output-file-prefix <OUT_PREFIX> \
• | Paired-end in a single interleaved FASTQ file(--interleaved (-i) option) |
dragen -r <REF_DIR> -1 <INTERLEAVED_FASTQ> -i \
If using, bcl2fastq or the DRAGEN BCL command use the following common file naming convention:
Older versions of bcl2fastq and DRAGEN could segment FASTQ samples into multiple files to limit file size or to decrease the time to generate them.
For Example:
These files do not need to be concatenated to be processed together by DRAGEN. To map/align any sample, provide the first file in the series (-1 <FileName>_001.fastq). DRAGEN reads all segment files in the sample consecutively for both of the FASTQ file sequences specified using the -1 and -2 options for paired-end input and for compressed fastq.gz files. To turn the behavior off, set ‑‑enable-auto-multifile to false on the command line.
DRAGEN can also optionally read multiple files by the sample name given in the file name, which can be used to combine samples that have been distributed across multiple BCL lanes or flow cells. To enable this feature, set the --combine-samples-by-name option to true.
If the FASTQ files specified on the command-line use the Casava 1.8 file naming convention shown above and additional files in the same directory share that sample name, those files and all their segments are processed automatically. Note that sample name, read number, and file extension must match. Index barcode and lane number can differ.
To avoid impacting system performance, input files must be located on a fast file system.

To provide multiple FASTQ input files, it is recommended to use the --fastq-list <csv file name> option to specify the name of a CSV file containing the list of FASTQ files, instead of using the --combine-samples-by-name option. For example:
dragen -r <ref_dir> --fastq-list <CSV_FILE> \
--fastq-list-sample-id <Sample_ID> \
--output-directory <OUT_DIR> --output-file-prefix <OUT_PREFIX>
Using a CSV file allows you to name the FASTQ input files, input from multiple subdirectories, and add BAM tags specified explicitly for each read group. DRAGENautomatically generates a CSV file of the correct format during BCL conversion to FASTQ. The CSV file is named fastq_list.csv and contains an entry for each FASTQ file or paired-end file pair produced during the run.

The first line of the CSV file specifies the title of each column, and is followed by one or more data lines. All lines in the CSV file must contain the same number of comma-separated values and should not contain white space or other extraneous characters.
Column titles are case-sensitive. The following column titles are required:
• | RGID—Read Group |
• | RGSM—Sample ID |
• | RGLB—Library |
• | Lane—Flow cell lane |
• | Read1File—Full path to a valid FASTQ input file |
• | Read2File—Full path to a valid FASTQ input file. Required for paired-end input. If not using paired-end input, leave empty. |
Each FASTQ file can only be referenced once in the CSV list. All values in the Read2File column must be non-empty and reference valid files or must all be empty.
When generating a BAM file using fastq-list input, one read group is generated per unique RGID value. The BAM header contains RG tags for the following read groups:
• | ID (from RGID) |
• | SM (from RGSM) |
• | LB (from RGLB) |
You can specify additional tags for each read group by adding a column title. The column title must be only four upper-case characters and begin with RG. For example, to add a PU (platform unit) tag, add a column named RGPU and specify the value for each read group in this column. All column titles must be unique.
A fastq-list file can contain files for more than one sample. If a fastq-list file contains only one unique RGSM entry, then no additional options need to be specified and DRAGEN processes all files listed in the fastq-list file. If there is more than one unique RGSM entry in a fastq-list file, one of the following must also be specified in addition to --fastq-list <filename>.
• | To process a specific sample from the CSV file, use --fastq-list-sample-id <SampleID>. Only the entries in the fastq-list file with an RGSM value that match the specified SampleID are processed. |
• | To process all samples together in the same run, regardless of the RGSM value, set --fastq-list-all-samples to true. |
For a single run, only one BAM and VCF output file are produced because all input read groups are expected to belong to the same sample. To process multiple samples from one BCL conversion run, run DRAGEN multiple times using different values for the --fastq-list-sample-id option.
There is no option to specify groupings or subsets of RGSM values for more complex filtering, but the fastq-list file can be modified to achieve the same effect.
The following is an example FASTQ list CSV file with the required columns:
CACACTGA.1,RDSR181520,UnknownLibrary,1,/staging/RDSR181520_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq, /staging/RDSR181520_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq
AGAACGGA.1,RDSR181521,UnknownLibrary,1,/staging/RDSR181521_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq, /staging/RDSR181521_S2_L001_R2_001.fastq
TAAGTGCC.1,RDSR181522,UnknownLibrary,1,/staging/RDSR181522_S3_L001_R1_001.fastq, /staging/RDSR181522_S3_L001_R2_001.fastq
AGACTGAG.1,RDSR181523,UnknownLibrary,1,/staging/RDSR181523_S4_L001_R1_001.fastq, /staging/RDSR181523_S4_L001_R2_001.fastq
If you use the --tumor-fastq-list option for somatic input, use the --tumor-fastq-list-sample-id <SampleID> option to specify the sample ID for the corresponding FASTQ list, as shown in the following example:
dragen -r <ref_dir> --tumor-fastq-list <csv_file> \
--tumor-fastq-list-sample-id <Sample_ID> \
--output-directory <out_dir> \
--output-file-prefix <out_prefix> --fastq-list <csv_file_2> \
--fastq-list-sample-id <Sample_ID_2>

In somatic mode, If using fastq_lists or tumor_fastq_lists that comprise multiple samples (RGSMs), you can use a loop to iterate through the two lists to create tumor-normal pairs for testing. Create a *.txt file with the RGSM of each normal sample to be tested (one per line), and then create a separate *.txt file with the RGSM of the tumor samples to be tested. Make sure that the tumor sample RGSM is listed in the same order as the corresponding normal samples and to include a blank line after the last sample.
You can use the following example script to perform testing in somatic mode. Each iteration takes one entry from the tumor samples list and one entry from the normal samples list (from top to bottom) to create a tumor-normal pair as input for the DRAGEN run.
while read -u 3 -r tumor_RGSM && read -u 4 -r normal_RGSM; do
mkdir -p ${output_dir}
dragen \
-r ${HT} \
--tumor-fastq-list ${tumor_fastq_list} \
--tumor-fastq-list-sample-id ${tumor_RGSM} \
--fastq-list ${normal_fastq_list} \
--fastq-list-sample-id ${normal_RGSM} \
--output-directory ${output_dir} \
--output-file-prefix ${tumor_RGSM}_${normal_RGSM}
done 3<${tumor_samples_list} 4<${normal_samples_list}
The following are examples of the FASTQ lists and samples lists used as input for the script.
Sample fastq_list.csv:
Sample tumor_fastq_list.csv content:
Sample normal_samples_list
Sample tumor_samples_list content

You can use the same options as the other FASTQ input file types for ORA files. To use the ORA file, replace the FASTQ file name with the ORA file name and specify the ORA reference directory using --ora-reference.
See DRAGEN ORA Compression and Decompression for more information on ORA reference files.
The following command represents paired-end in two matched ORA FASTQ files (-1 and -2 options).
dragen -r <REF_DIR> -1 <fastq.ora1> -2 <fastq.ora2> \
--ora-reference <LENADATA_DIR> \
--output-directory <OUT_DIR> --output-file-prefix <OUT_PREFIX> \

To use BAM files as input to the mapper/aligner, set --enable-map-align to true. If you leave this option set to false (the default), you can use the BAM file as input to the variant caller.
When you specify a BAM file as input, DRAGEN ignores any alignment information contained in the input file, and outputs new alignments for all reads. If the input file contains paired-end reads, it is important to specify that the input data should be sorted so that pairs can be processed together. Other pipelines require you to resort the input data set by read name. DRAGEN vastly increases the speed of this operation by pairing the input reads, and sending on to the mapper/aligner when pairs are identified. Use the --pair-by-name option to enable or disable this feature (the default is true).
• | Specify single-ended input in one BAM file with the (-b) and --pair-by-name=false options, as follows: |
dragen -r <ref_dir> -b <bam> --output-directory <out_dir> \
--output-file-prefix <out_prefix> --pair-by-name false
• | Specify paired-end input in one BAM file with the (-b) and --pair-by-name=true options, as follows: |
dragen -r <ref_dir> -b <bam> --output-directory <out_dir> \
--output-file-prefix <out_prefix> --pair-by-name true

You can use CRAM files as input to the DRAGEN mapper/aligner and variant caller. The DRAGEN functionality available when using CRAM input is the same as when using BAM input.
The --cram-reference option is no longer needed. The CRAM compressor and decompressor uses the DRAGEN reference.
Use the following options to provide a CRAM input to either mapper/aligner or variant caller:
• | --cram-input—The name and path for the CRAM file. |
• | --cram-input—One usage example is paired-end input in a single CRAM file. In addition, set the --pair-by-name option to true. |
dragen -r <ref_dir> --cram-input <cram> --output-directory <out_dir> \
--output-file-prefix <out_prefix> --pair-by-name true

BCL is the output format of Illumina sequencing systems. Under limited circumstances, DRAGEN can read directly from BCL for map-align operations, saving the time needed for conversion to FASTQ.
DRAGEN can read directly from BCL in the following circumstances:
• | Only one lane is input as part of a run (specified on the command-line). |
• | The lane has only a single sample specified in the SampleSheet.csv file. |
When converting BCL to FASTQ is required, DRAGEN provides a BCL to FASTQ converter (see BCL Conversion).
The following example command is for BCL input with only one lane of input:
dragen --bcl-input-dir <BCL_ROOT> --bcl-only-lane <num> -r <ref_dir> \
--output-directory <out_dir> --output-file-prefix <out_prefix>
For additional BCL conversion options, see Input File Types.