Pedigree Mode

Use pedigree mode to jointly analyze samples from related individuals and to perform de novo calling.

To invoke pedigree mode, set the --enable-joint-genotyping option to true. Use the --pedigree-file option to specify the path to a pedigree file that describes the relationship between panels.

The pedigree file must be a tab-delimited text file with the file name ending in *.ped. The following information is required.

Column Header



The pedigree identifier.


The ID of the individual.


The ID of the individual's father. If the founder, the value is 0.


The ID of the individual's mother. If the founder, the value is 0.


The sex of the sample. If male, the value is 1. If female, the value is 2.


The genetic data of the sample. If unknown, the value is 0. If unaffected, the value is 1. If affected, the value is 2.

The following is an example of an input pedigree file.

#Family_ID Individual_ID Paternal_ID Maternal_ID Sex Phenotype

FAM001 NA12877_Father 0 0 1 1

FAM001 NA12878_Mother 0 0 2 1

FAM001 NA12882_Proband NA12877_Father NA12878_Mother 2 2

FAM001 NA12883_Proband NA12877_Father NA12878_Mother 1 0