Microsatellite Instability

Microsatellites are genomic regions of short DNA motifs that are repeated 5–50 times and are associated with high mutation rates. Microsatellite Instability (MSI) results from deficiencies in the DNA mismatch repair pathway and can be used as a critical biomarker to predict immunotherapy responses in multiple tumor types.

DRAGEN MSI can work in 3 different modes determined by enabling the option --msi-command:

Collect Evidence mode (collect-evidence)
Tumor Normal mode (tumor-normal)
Tumor Only mode (tumor-only)

Three modes share some of the following steps:

1. Tabulates tumor and normal counts from the read alignments for each microsatellite site.
2. Calculates Jensen-Shannon distance of tumor and normal distribution for each microsatellite site (tumor-normal mode), or Jensen-Shannon distance of two normal baseline samples (tumor-only mode).
3. Determines unstable sites by performing chi-square testing of tumor and normal distribution. Unstable sites have repeat length distributions that are significantly shifted between tumor and normal measured by Jensen-Shannon distance (tumor-normal mode). In tumor-only mode, JSD is calculated for each pair of tumor and normal reference samples, as well as each pair of normal-normal samples. Then the two sets of JSD is compared to derive a mean distance difference and p-value calculated from student t-test. Microsatellite instability is called if the mean distance difference is greater than or equal to the distance threshold (default 0.1) and p-value less than or equal to the p-value threshold (default 0.01).
4. Produces a report given aassessed site count, unstable site count, the percentage of unstable sites in all assessed sites and the sum of the Jensen-Shannon distance of all the unstable sites.

collect-evidence mode only performs step 1 and reports the microsatellite distribution for each site in a given sample.