VCF Imputation

DRAGEN v.4.0 extends the capabilities to infer bi-allelic SNP variants from low-coverage sequencing samples by packaging the GLIMPSE software (2020, Olivier Delaneau & Simone Rubinacci). The DRAGEN implementation of the GLIMPSE software allows for scalability of variant imputation by adding the following features:

End-to-end pipeline, where the 3 phases of the GLIMPSE software (Chunk, Phase, and Ligate) get executed by a single command, on one chromosome or multiple chromosomes
Software supported acceleration

The tool generates imputed variants for all samples provided in the specified regions, based on a pre-existing reference panel available for download on the Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform Product Files page.

The VCF imputation tool only supports:

Input sample data generated with the DRAGEN Bio-IT platform
Human sequencing data

The following is an example of commands to impute vcf on a single chromosome:


--enable-imputation true

--imputation-ref-panel-dir <REF_PANEL_DIR>

--imputation-ref-panel-prefix <IRPv1>

--imputation-chunk-input-region <chr22>

--imputation-phase-input-list <VCF_to_be_imputed.txt>

--imputation-genome-map-dir <MAP_DIR>

--output-directory <OUT_DIR>

--output-file-prefix <OUT_PREFIX>