Structure of REST Resources

The information recorded in BaseSpace Clarity LIMS is organized into resources within the REST API. Each resource refers to an XML schema associated with a namespace. Before working with the REST Web Service, understand how the information recorded in Clarity LIMS translates to the REST resources.

The following diagram highlights the major REST resources. Each resource is discussed further in the following sections.

Samples are the objects that are entered into Clarity LIMS before processing begins. Every sample belongs to a single project and has a related analyte (sample) artifact. Every project must have an associated researcher.
When you add a sample to the system, it is classified as a submitted sample. This feature allows the original samples, and any related data, to remain separate and distinct, even as processing and aliquot creation occurs. Every sample or file created by running a step from the Clarity LIMS user interface can be traced back to a submitted sample.
In Clarity LIMS, processes (know as steps in the user interface) are run on analyte (derived sample) artifacts. Samples must always be in containers.
Clarity LIMS v4.x and earlier: In the Clarity LIMS Operations Interface processes are run on analyte (sample) or result file artifacts. Samples must always be in containers.
As of BaseSpace Clarity LIMS v5, the Operations Interface Java client used by administrators to configure processes, consumables, user-defined fields, and users have been deprecated. All configuration and administration tasks are now executed in the Clarity LIMS web interface.
To understand how API terminology maps to terminology used in the Clarity LIMS v5 interface, see Understanding API Terminology (LIMS v5 and later).