
Cluster generation, sequencing, and analysis comprise sequencing on the iSeq 100. Each step occurs automatically during a sequencing run. Depending on system configuration, further analysis is performed off-instrument after the run is complete.

Cluster generationLibrary is automatically denatured into single strands and further diluted onboard the instrument. During cluster generation, single DNA molecules are bound to the surface of the flow cell and amplified to form clusters.
Sequencing—Clusters are imaged using one-dye chemistry, which uses one fluorescent label and two imaging cycles to encode data for the four nucleotides. The first imaging cycle detects adenine (A) and thymine (T). A chemistry cycle then cleaves the dye from A and simultaneously adds a similar dye to cytosine (C). The second imaging cycle detects C and T. After the second imaging cycle, Real-Time Analysis software performs base calling, filtering, and quality scoring. This process is repeated for each cycle of sequencing. For more information on one-dye chemistry, refer to Base Calling.
Analysis—As the run progresses, the control software automatically transfers base call files (*.bcl) to the specified output folder for data analysis. The method of data analysis depends on application and system configuration.