Custom Primers

Using custom primers for a run on an NextSeq 1000/2000 Sequencing System requires the following additional steps during run setup:

Prepare and add the appropriate volume of each custom primer to the custom primer position of the reagent cartridge.
Select the custom primers in the control software during run setup.

All other steps follow the run setup workflow described in Configure Run Mode.

NextSeq 1000/2000 allows the use of up to two custom read primers or custom index primers per custom well. There are two available custom primer wells.

Depending on your library preparation kit, you might be required to use Illumina primer mixes. Refer to VP21 and VP14 Custom Primers for more information.

Illumina cannot guarantee the performance or compatibility of custom primers. You are responsible for validating custom primers for sequencing on the NextSeq 1000/2000 Sequencing System.